Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Quote & I Rhyme

I Quote
"People surround themselves with people.... Just to feel safer... just to be satisfied... just because they are scared to being left alone with their miserable self's.. such is the strangeness of life! :)"

"Explore!Evolve!Dissolve!from the big leap to the great fall...."

I Rhyme
walking alone on roads unknown
a journey unplanned
to find my destiny
to find my self i walk i just walk
i walk until the time comes!

I Reply
He Says:
"As a child i dream't... dream't about many things. the sky and the wings but ive grown... grown old on my throne the dream has gone.. gone to get dressed a call of distress... distress of the mediocrity of our reality"

I Thought:
Grown old on your throne... coz you killed the child within... killed its ability to dream and imagine.... the dream is never gone.. its always at the back of your mind.... come on.. go back in time... go back and rewind.... remember that child with dreams lit in his eyes... and keep him alive... like a flame burning inside... forever!! and burn down wat u see as the distress of the mediocrity of reality.. rise above it.. coz things are just how you see... :)See More


Ire said...


wheatgerm said...

i like the light bulb

ecelliam said...

I still love that moon......

Dr.Paranoid said...

thank you all... :)